In an interview with the Borneo Post, the Chairman of the India Street Pedestrian Mall Committee, Dato Wee Hong Seng, stressed the need to preserve heritage in the initiatives to modernize India Street. As an immediate action, the Committee proposes to have the illegal awnings at some of the shophouses pulled down to expose the heritage features.
The area is included in the Sarawak Government’s Heritage Trail project for Kuching, he recalled.
He also informed that the construction of the proposed India Street covered arcade will await the completion of the centralized sewerage system for the area : “We expect the central sewerage system would be completed by end of January 2015 while the covered walkway is expected to be completed before the Ramadhan month next year”.
Source : Borneo Post, Dec.3, 2014 : “Conserve India Street’s old town charm, planners urged”
For previous press articles on India Street’s covered arcade project, see our Post of Nov. 2, 2014 “Proposed covered arcade for India Street”
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