‘Urban Renewal Trough Built Heritage Conservation’ – SHS/BCM talk, Sat. 30 July 2020, 10:00 am

Date: July 30, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Amphitheater, Borneo Cultures Museum, Kuching

A SHS ‘Heritage Speakers Series’ and Borneo Cultures Museum talk.
‘Urban Renewal Through Built Heritage Conservation : Amplifying The History and Inherent “Sense of Place”‘
: looking at the true values of built heritage and how they can be viably made into a commercial success.
The speaker, Ar Lim Take Bane, runs the KL based Arkitek Shilpa architecture/design firm. He is a Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, fellow of the Malaysian Institute of Architects, founding council member of the Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers  and council member of Badan Warisan Malaysia.
Admission: free. SHS donation box.
You can register here

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