Cultural heritage at the Rainforest Fringe Festival

Start date: July 13, 2017
End date: July 17, 2017
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Kuching’s Rainforest Fringe Festival (7 to 16 July, ahead of the Rainforest World Music Festival) will feature several cultural heritage-related events, among which:

  • Berawan 1955″: an exhibition on the ethnic motives panels that once ornated the ceiling of Kuching’s Old Court House (venue: Old Court House)









  • A talk and exhibition on K.F. Wong’s historic early photo records of the ethnic groups of Sarawak’s interior (venue: Old Court House)
  • Music performances on traditional and ancient Sarawak instruments
  • Film screenings, etc.

More on the Rainforest Fringe website

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