Start date: July 12, 2017
End date: July 17, 2017
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

On each of the three days, the Friends of Sarawak Museum will host cultural snippets on the Festival grounds:

Friday 14/07:
11:00-11:30 : Tattos of the Kayans of Sarawak, by Dora Jok
11:45 -12:15: ‘ZIN GO MY STRING – a Bidayu bamboo zither story’, by Arthur Borman

Saturday 15/07
11:00-12:00: ‘LIONS A LEAPING!’ – Chinese lion dances, by Tan Tze Horng and troupe
12:15-13:00: ‘SINGING MY HERITAGE’- Kayan Takna, by Adrian Jo Milan

Sunday 16/07
11:00-11:30: ‘GATHERING OUR HERITAGE – Roadtrip through Sarawak’, by Wendy Teo
11:45-12:15: ‘GIANT STONES – Tales of Power and imagination, the megalihts of Bario’, by Lindsay Lloyd Smith
12:30-13:00: ‘WEAVING FOR TROPHY HEADS – Stories behind Pua Kumbu designs’, by Vernon Kedit

Venue: Chinese Farm House (Festival grounds)